Screw it, nobody lives forever. You bound out of the bush and head generally away from the undead masses and, more importantly, from the one who's almost on top of you.
As you sprint you look over your shoulder. He's definitely spotted you. He picked up his pace, but it's still only slightly faster than his previous shuffling. But he's definitely making chase. His cold eyes are set right on you.
*boom* While you are looking over your shoulder, you run squarely into a park bench. You flip end for end over the bench and land squarely on your back. You're dazed, the wind is knocked clean out of you. While you're trying to gain your bearings, you notice a large, bare limb laying next to you.
Your pursuer is now right on the other side of the park bench, clutching towards you. He'll be around the bench any second. You start to stand and find yourself even weaker than before.
You've made a fair distance between yourself and the rest of the pack. You only have this one zombie anywhere near. You could grab the branch and swing for the fences or see if your legs can shuffle you along faster than the walking dead a few feet away.
What will you do?
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