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Posts from the ‘Raspberry Pi’ Category


The Raspberry Pi Has Arrived

Due to the insanely late ship date of my Pi, I received the v2 model for being patient.  (The v2 has 512MB of onboard memory vice 256MB on the v1.)  In the first 30 minutes, I was able to load one SD card with RaspBMC (XBMC optimized for the Pi) and another with Raspbian (The project’s build of Debian Wheezy for the Pi).  I didn’t get too much time to poke around with it from there.

Here are some of the uses I have in mind:

  • Media center to stream content from the movie/TV collection on my NAS. (using RaspBMC)
  • Penetration testing platform using PwnPi, Raspberry Pwn, or rolling my own, starting from a base install of Raspbian.
  • A replacement for my always on test/dev server that also acts as the gateway for me to SSH into my home network.
  • A front end for my audio components using an IR sender and a web GUI accessible from my phone. (Those GPIO pin outs are too tempting.)

Odds are, the first unit will end up being a blend of many of those options.  I’m already queued up for 2 more when I make it down the list again.

Because I spend more time at the prompt than consuming media, I think I’ll start with Raspbian and build up the LAMP stack first.

More to come as time allows.  I should probably be studying for my CISSP now…


Raspberry Pi

With the forthcoming shipment of my long-awaited Raspberry Pi, I am adding a new section under the projects category.

I wish I could have gotten my hands on more than one, because I have had way too much time to dream up uses for them.

More to come…

In the meantime, my buddy already received his and is way better about actually updating his blog at