The Raspberry Pi Has Arrived
Due to the insanely late ship date of my Pi, I received the v2 model for being patient. (The v2 has 512MB of onboard memory vice 256MB on the v1.) In the first 30 minutes, I was able to load one SD card with RaspBMC (XBMC optimized for the Pi) and another with Raspbian (The project’s build of Debian Wheezy for the Pi). I didn’t get too much time to poke around with it from there.
Here are some of the uses I have in mind:
- Media center to stream content from the movie/TV collection on my NAS. (using RaspBMC)
- Penetration testing platform using PwnPi, Raspberry Pwn, or rolling my own, starting from a base install of Raspbian.
- A replacement for my always on test/dev server that also acts as the gateway for me to SSH into my home network.
- A front end for my audio components using an IR sender and a web GUI accessible from my phone. (Those GPIO pin outs are too tempting.)
Odds are, the first unit will end up being a blend of many of those options. I’m already queued up for 2 more when I make it down the list again.
Because I spend more time at the prompt than consuming media, I think I’ll start with Raspbian and build up the LAMP stack first.
More to come as time allows. I should probably be studying for my CISSP now…